Fiche cheval pacific gold

R6C9 du

platsingapour1200M34251class 4 (turf)11 partantsdépart à 08:30
12ravalliH41p1p2pr curatolo/101:10
24wins oneH53p2p2p1p1pb queiroz/11 l 1/4
37per incrownH93p3p9p5p9pth koh/1encolure
41last supperH42p1p0p4p2pd moor/1encolure
510v'invincibleH67p9p3p3p8pk faiz/13/4 l
611ciangoM51p7p8p9p8pc henrique/11/2 l
76thunder legendH54p5p2p(23)4pb pinheiro/1cte tete
89colonel sonH54p0p2p9p4pt krisna/1cte tete
93pacific masterH57p2p4p5p8pph seow/13/4 l
105pacific goldH69p8p7p1p6pcc wong/13/4 l
118cheerful babyH40p1p1p1p1pi saifudin/16 l

R7C10 du

platsingapour1200M34251zac spirit 2014 stakes class 414 partantsdépart à 09:10
Non-partants : 5 - 11
12stenmarkH79p7p6p4p2pb queiroz/101:10
21lim's bighornH49p1p1p1p1pm lerner/13/4 l
64pacific heroH57p4p3p8p0pn zyrul/11/2 l
93pacific goldH68p7p1p6p5pd moor/1nez
5war prideH85p6p8p3p5psw chong/1
39per incrownH99p5p9p6p5pth koh/11 l 1/4
410show all sixty-oneH63p7p3p7p4pm nunes/1encolure
513pacific scoutH51p2p0p6p1pv espindola/11/2 l
76tommy gunH44p0p1pr curatolo/1cte tete
814star expressH56p1p6p4p3pt krisna/11 l 1/4
108colonel sonH52p9p4p8p4pi amirul/11/2 l
117sabah starH86p0p8p(23)0pi saifudin/13/4 l
11avalancheH58p9p7p3pb pinheiro/1
1212cheerful babyH41p1p1p1p8pph seow/14 l 1/2

R8C9 du

platsingapour1400M34251class 4 (turf)13 partantsdépart à 08:30
Non-partants : 4 - 5
41axelH91p3p0p8p9ps jamil/11/2 l
52jin sakamotoH66p1p0p9pm lerner/11 l 1/2
73pacific goldH61p6p5p8p1pd moor/1nez
4eruptionH40p7p6p7p1pr curatolo/1
5hastenH42p7p1p8p5pwh kok/1
17gold governorH51p8p9p5p0pb queiroz/101:22
26sousuiH61p4p2p3p5pc henrique/1cte tete
313southern speedH70p5p7p9p0pph seow/12 l 1/2
611star northH58p6p8p7p0pt krisna/11 l 1/4
89con speranzaH79p0p0p5p7pn rozlan/11 l 1/4
912pacific starH54p4p0p5p4pth koh/13/4 l
108super convinceH50p0p8p8p9pn zyrul/13 l
1110grand supremeH50p0p0p1p4pi saifudin/112 l

R2C6 du

platsingapour1200M34251lim's cruiser 2016 stakes class 415 partantsdépart à 07:00
Non-partants : 4
17stop the waterH43p6p(23)4p1pb queiroz/101:09
22cool sixty-oneH62p6p5p8pr maia/1nez
315pacific atlanticH57pj llyod/11 l 1/4
413dragon masterH45p7p3p8p0pph seow/1tete
55dancing supremoH61p6p4p(23)0pm nunes/11/4 l
69blackbuckH41p3p3p0p2pk faiz/1nez
712gunH40p5p0p(23)2pc henrique/1cte tete
83pacific goldH61p4p0p(23)0pd moor/11/2 l
91city gold wonderH60p7p(23)0p9pl corrales/1encolure
4charmintonH64p5p7p(23)6pr curatolo/1
1011wait u knowH56p0p4p9p8pb pinheiro/11/2 l
1110silver dragonH44p6p9p1p5pth koh/1tete
128smoke and mirrorsH84p1p8p6p9pi saifudin/11/2 l
1314shihabH50p7p5p0p7pr sazali/12 l 1/2
146con speranzaH75p7p6p(23)0pn rozlan/11 l
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